Saturday, 11 February 2017

Finally a Jawab to all Questions wid Hind Ka Napak ko Jawab in Cinemas: A Logical Movie Review

The social media is place for people to show their thoughts honestly. But mainstream media is using every trick to spoil the social media for their money game.
This is a well known fact. To be very honest, I was totally biased against MSG films, reading what our mainstream, paid media has to say. As luck would have it. I was forced to watch the film with a very close friend and I was shocked to see some great content that Hind ka Napak Ko Jawab has; And no reviewer seems to mention any facts on the content and just push their opinions down your gullet. A film is to be judged by what it does to you, and if it leaves you happy, motivated and positive, you have got your money’s worth. And so i decided to voice my thoughts.
No Excess Baggage
The first things i realized was that since i was accompanying a dear friend, i decided to watch the content with a very open mind. And from the word go, I found the film very original, catchy, crisp and entertaining in a different sort of a way.
Looking at the fact that most actors in the film are first timers, the performances are incredible. Hey man, here comes a director who is bold enough to cast everyday guys. If someone from Hollywood was doing it for Salaam Bombay, we would have praised it.
The opening scene where a brainwashed boy shoots his parents in the name of Jihad brings you face to face with the harsh reality of today. Let’s be honest, we have no means of checking the virus of fanaticism. And if someone has embarked on using popular culture and films to spread an anti-terror message strongly, we should be broadminded enough to appreciate the effort.

MSG is self promotion
Which film is not. Shahrukh, Salman, Aamir, Hrithik, Akshay — everyone does it. But no one has been original enough in India to create a story on Surgical Strikes, target all Pakistani leaders, talk of freeing Balochistan and merge that with attacking aliens from outer space. For God’s sake, let’s accept that this idea is bold and original.

Now apple to apple, a quick recap.
MSG does several disguises and turns into several characters. Sindhi, Pathan, Sardarji, Maulvi, Army commando etc and he breathes a new voice and style into every character, At several places, he creates comedy with his dialogue delivery and timing. The Sindhi jewelers role is simple unforgettable.

A) Best background score. Period. No arguments.

B) Songs: The Melody ‘Ye jana tujhe paake’ gets you; ‘Jung hai humri aatankwad se’ inspires and galvanizes you into a patriotic mode; This song was the very first song against terror. You cannot talk peace without boldly denouncing terror.
The Melody ‘Ye jana tujhe paake’
‘Jung hai humri aatankwad se’ 

‘System Hil gaya’ is very very dancable and ‘Thank you for that’ is fusion rock. It is really diverse and very good music on all counts. No one has talked about it, at all. Don`t listen to any goddamn reviewer — just sit down, close your eyes, listen to the melody ‘Ye Jana Tujhe Paake’ and you will love it.
 ‘System Hil gaya’

‘Ye Jana Tujhe Paake’

C) Cinematography is excellent. Locales are exotic.
D) Villains are a very interesting variety, with most giving very strong performances.
E) Story line: Very Original, contemporary and topical
F) Theme: Strongly patriotic. Balochistan is brought to the brink of liberation. As an antidote to Pakistan’s Kashmir raga, this thought certainly deserves amplification. After all, Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan, and it is well recorded in history that they massacred, raped and destroyed their own people for narrow vested interests. And the same seems to be happening inside Pakistan right now.
G) Tech quotient, goes beyond James Bond: Best cars, ATV with rear cannons, Modified Jet Bike with a great design, Gyrocopter variant with a wireless console.
H) Costumes: Extremely vibrant and inspiring for fashion lovers.
I) 1)Even if a reviewer is sitting in the foulest of moods, no one could/should have missed this.
Hind ka Napak Ko Jawab -Josh

2) A Jihad Against the wrong interpretation of Jihad: The biggest challenge in the world today is young men running away from their homes to join ISIS. That is everyday news and who can stop it? Perhaps, No one, especially not the media houses who waste newsprint and online muscle trying to show that they are popular. Like in the film, they deserve to get their asses blown to be made to realize that stopping terror ideology from spreading is the greatest need of the hour.
But it is ONLY this film that explores this topic boldly and conveys the message very emphatically, powerfully and clearly. It is a war against narrow mindedness; and only narrow minded people are trying to get in way.
2) Love Jihad Reversed
Hind Ka Napak Ko Jawab Love Triangle

Hind Ka Napak Ko Jawab Love Triangle

Finally a Pakistani girl marries an Indian boy, this should have happened long time ago but i wonder why earlier, no film makers had the courage to do it.
K) Romance: The chemistry of the screen pair is great. The actress is a little raw but impresses with her innocence.
L) The message: Patriotic, Anti-terror, Pro-women and talks of empowerment in a big way. Right from female commandoes to freedom fighters who volunteer when men run scared. Also touches demonetization briefly.
M) Production values: Above average VFX. Needs some improvement but considering that all VFX is done in house in Sirsa , a great job. If it was a Green Lantern from Hollywood, we would be drooling, if its made in India with some rough edges, we should accept that.
N) Entertainment: High throughout.
O) Future: Even the sky is not the limit because if the film makers, have such a fertile imagination and the vision to create a strong internal team , they have walked this far without big names and considering the output, the future looks tremendous.
If somebody is a peevish, irritable fellow not happy with anything in life, even for him this movie has real entertainment to offer.

Many Famous News Channels, Movie Channels nd Bollywood Celebrities share about this movie.


  1. Good thought spread movie. Nice review ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Absolutely movie is answer of all the questions that raised in mind of politicians . & Very much satisfying every Indian dream . Superb & dari g work.

  3. Amazing movie directed by father daughter duo based on surgical strike against terrorism. Songs of this movie are also amazing.
